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1099s for Corporations and Other 1099 Surprises

When your business pays $600 or more to an individual for services, you must issue a Form 1099-NEC to that person and file a copy with the IRS. This rule covers payments for professional ser...
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Best Accounting Software for Flooring Businesses/Stores - Why ZarMoney Stands Out

As a flooring business owner, you know how essential it is to keep track of your finances to ensure the smooth operation of your store. But with so many accounting software options available, it can take time to determine the best fit for your unique needs. 

This article will discuss why ZarMoney is the best accounting software for flooring businesses and stores.

Key Features of ZarMoney for Flooring Businesses

ZarMoney offers an extensive list of features that cater to the unique needs of flooring businesses, including:

1 - Scheduling

ZarMoney's scheduling feature is designed to streamline your flooring business's operations by helping you effectively manage various scheduling tasks. This feature allows you to easily schedule deliveries, customer callbacks, and other important tasks by integrating with Google Calendar. You can also add reminders, set deadlines, and track progress, ensuring you never miss an important deadline or task.

In addition to scheduling individual tasks, ZarMoney also allows you to create recurring events, ensuring that routine tasks are automatically added to your calendar at regular intervals. The drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to move tasks and appointments around, providing a quick and convenient way to adjust your schedule as needed.

2 - Sharing Calendar with Individual Contractors

ZarMoney recognizes that collaboration and communication are essential for a successful flooring business. To that end, the software enables you to share your calendar with individual contractors, allowing them to view your schedule, appointments, and important deadlines.

Sharing your calendar ensures that everyone involved in your flooring projects is on the same page, minimizing scheduling conflicts and improving overall efficiency. 

Furthermore, ZarMoney's access control features allow you to grant specific permissions to individual contractors, ensuring that they only have access to the information they need to complete their work.

3 - Prepayments for Orders

Managing prepayments for flooring projects, assignments, or jobs can be a complex process. ZarMoney simplifies this process by allowing you to take full or partial pre-payments from customers quickly and securely. The software generates detailed invoices for pre-payments, clearly outlining the amount paid and any remaining balances.

ZarMoney also makes it easy to track and manage pre-payment records, providing a clear overview of your finances and helping you stay on top of outstanding payments. This functionality not only ensures that you maintain a healthy cash flow but also offers a seamless payment experience for your customers.

4 - Connecting Purchases to Contracts and Sales Orders

ZarMoney streamlines your financial processes by connecting purchases to contracts and sales orders. This functionality provides a comprehensive overview of your transactions, making it easy to monitor expenses and income, allocate costs, and identify potential discrepancies.

By connecting purchases to contracts and sales orders, you can also gain valuable insights into the profitability of individual projects and ensure accurate cost allocation. This feature allows you to make informed decisions and optimize your business operations for increased profitability.

5 - Job Profitability for Commissions

ZarMoney's job profitability feature enables you to calculate the profit margins for each project, making it easy to determine which jobs are most profitable and allocate commissions accordingly. 

The software automatically calculates job profitability based on factors such as labor costs, material expenses, and overheads, ensuring accurate commission distribution.

This feature not only helps you incentivize your employees and contractors but also provides valuable insights into the financial performance of your flooring business. With ZarMoney's job profitability calculations, you can identify areas for improvement, streamline your operations, and ultimately, increase your bottom line.

6 - Customizable Contracts

Every flooring project is unique, and having the ability to create customized contracts tailored to each job is essential. ZarMoney allows you to generate fully customizable contracts that reflect your specific business needs and accurately outline the terms and conditions of each project.

The software's easy-to-use contract templates can be customized with your company logo, colors, and fonts, ensuring a professional appearance. You can also include detailed information on payment terms, job specifications, and other crucial aspects of your flooring projects, providing clarity for both your team and your clients.

7 - Order Status for Open Jobs

Keeping track of the status of your open flooring jobs is essential to ensure timely completion and client satisfaction. ZarMoney's order status feature provides real-time updates on all open jobs, allowing you to easily monitor progress and address any potential issues.

The software allows you to view order statuses at a glance or dive deeper into individual job details, providing a comprehensive understanding of each project's progress. By staying informed about your open jobs' status, you can make proactive decisions to ensure that your flooring projects stay on track and are completed efficiently.

8 - Progress Invoicing

Progress invoicing is an essential feature for flooring businesses, as it allows you to bill customers for work completed in stages. ZarMoney makes it easy to charge based on progress invoicing, providing a flexible and accurate billing solution for your business.

With ZarMoney's progress invoicing feature, you can create customized invoices that reflect the completed work at various stages of a project. This helps you maintain a healthy cash flow and ensures that customers are billed accurately for the work completed. The software also allows you to track progress payments, making it easy to monitor outstanding balances and stay on top of your finances.

Why ZarMoney Excels in these Features

ZarMoney stands out from the competition because it focuses on the unique needs of flooring businesses, providing comprehensive tools to manage all aspects of your financial operations. 

Its user-friendly interface and robust feature set make it easy to stay organized and on top of your financials. Additionally, ZarMoney's dedicated customer support ensures that you'll always have assistance when you need it.

Comparing ZarMoney with QuickBooks and Xero







Sharing Calendar with Individual Contractors

Prepayments for Orders

Connecting Purchases to Contracts & Sales Orders

Job Profitability for Commissions

Customizable Contracts

Order Status for Open Jobs

Progress Invoicing


As you can see, ZarMoney offers all the essential features you need to manage your flooring business's finances effectively. 

While QuickBooks and Xero also provide these features, ZarMoney consistently outperforms them regarding user-friendliness, customization, and customer support and is also affordable. 

This is why we have been continuously ranked as the Top Rated Accounting Software on Capterra for many years.

Important Questions before choosing accounting software for your Flooring Business

To help you make an informed decision when choosing accounting software for your flooring business, we've compiled a list of frequently asked questions:

1 - How can I determine the best accounting software for my flooring business?

Consider the specific needs of your business, such as inventory management, invoicing, and expense tracking. Ensure the software you choose offers all the required features and is easy to use. ZarMoney is an excellent choice for flooring businesses, as it provides comprehensive features tailored to your industry.

2 - Is it essential to have industry-specific accounting software for my flooring business?

While it's not mandatory, industry-specific accounting software, like ZarMoney, can offer specialized features and tools that cater to the unique needs of your flooring business. This can result in a more streamlined financial management process and improved business efficiency.

3 - How much does accounting software for flooring businesses cost?

The cost of accounting software varies depending on the features and level of support offered. ZarMoney offers competitive pricing plans to suit businesses of different sizes and needs, ensuring you get the best value for your investment.

4 - Can I integrate other business tools with my accounting software?

Most accounting software, including ZarMoney, allows you to integrate other business tools, such as CRM and Payroll.  This can help you streamline your operations and improve overall business efficiency.

5 - How secure is my financial data when using accounting software?

The security of your financial data is of utmost importance. ZarMoney employs advanced security measures, such as encryption and multi-factor authentication, to protect your data from unauthorized access. Always choose accounting software that prioritizes data security and has a strong track record of keeping customer information safe.


ZarMoney is the best accounting software for flooring businesses and stores due to its comprehensive features, user-friendliness, and exceptional customer support. 

By choosing ZarMoney, you can streamline your financial management process and focus on what matters most – growing your business.

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