1099s for Corporations and Other 1099 Surprises

When your business pays $600 or more to an individual for services, you must issue a Form 1099-NEC to that person and file a copy with the IRS. This rule covers payments for professional ser...
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How to Calculate Retained Earnings + Examples

Your business might not be profitable in its formative years, leaving you with no option but to push...
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Owner’s Equity: What it is and How to Calculate it

Owner’s equity is the value you arrive at when your business’ liabilities are deducted from your bus...
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101-A Beginner's Guide to Bookkeeping

This article describes the bookkeeping process, whether it is performed by bookkeepers, accountants,...
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The Types Of Financial Statements And Why Each Is Important

Your company’s financial statements provide you with a wealth of information. They help you control ...
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What Makes Cloud Accounting Software So Great?

Understanding where a file goes when you save it to your PC is a fairly simple concept. It lives on ...
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How Much Inventory Do I Need For My Small Business?

Business owners and financial managers need to control inventory levels. Establishing the right inve...
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11 Ways to Spend Leftover Accounting Inventory Budget

It’s the time of year for daydreaming about creatively using leftovers. What if we apply some of tha...
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5 Common Accounting Mistakes To Avoid With Your Inventory Management System

Managing inventory is essential in business. In retail, excellent inventory management determines a ...
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How to Succesfuly Prospect On Social Media? By This Simple 4-Step Formula

Tapping into social networks to generate and cultivate leads in a mutually beneficial way provides a...
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When To Start Saving For Retirement And The Mindset Behind It

Experts offer advice on retirement plans, investments, tax law, and when to start saving for retirem...
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Income Statement Basics You Need To Know

The Income Statement is one of the core financial statements used by business owners and their accou...
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A Simple Accounting Definition

All businesses must deal with accounting daily. It is a crucial process for determining the financia...
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24 Basic Accounting Principles Business Owners Must Have

Basic accounting principles underly Generally Accepted Accounting Standards (GAAP), which are princi...
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